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Re: Slim Pickings at Target
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 16:14:34 GMT
1133 times
Ray Sanders wrote in message <>...

[ ... snipped ... ]

What you speak of seems to be *very* dependent on the particular store
and their philosophy of markdowns. My local WM-sc seems to be of the
mind "don't clearance it until we have tried ever other way to sell it.
Once we start marking down, do it in rapid increments to get it the heck
out of here". Additional markdowns are not affected by how much has
sold, only by *if* there is any remaining stock to be sold. I watched
6332 Command Post Central sequentially drop in price: $48, $42, $36,
$30, $24 & $15 (I took the last two at $15). At each stage they sold one
or two, finally they reached a price that did the deed.


How long did this process take?  This also begs the question - how
frequently does Target typically drop their prices?  I have been to three
Target stores in the Raleigh area.  I found a few things, nothing
spectacular.  The Target closest to me is already clean of anything on
clearance with the exception of Sith Infiltrators so Larry P.'s post applies
around here.  If I had waited for the next round of reductions I wouldn't
have gotten anything.

So far I have found:

5533 Red Fury - $30
6453 Com Link Cruiser - $3.50
6033 Treasure Transport - $3.50
5600 Radio Control Racer -- $47 (BTW - what do people think of this set?)
???? Freestyle Play Table - $12

The only one I found multiples of was the Com-Link Cruiser - I bought all
they had (8).  We are going to give them away as party favors at my son's
birthday party next week.

I also went by Zany-Brainy - not much there to speak of, the only thing on
sale was the 6975 Alien Avenger for $30 (down from $60).

Mike -

That's about it

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: Slim Pickings at Target
(...) I don't know the answer to that, but there is a GMLTCer that might. Her hubby is a Dayton-Hudson exec. I do want to add that there is a certain digit (digging around here will tell you which, I think it's 4) which means that Target isn't going (...) (25 years ago, 29-Dec-99, to
  Re: Slim Pickings at Target
(...) I don't know the answer to that, but there is a GMLTCer that might. Her hubby is a Dayton-Hudson exec. I do want to add that there is a certain digit (digging around here will tell you which, I think it's 4) which means that Target isn't going (...) (25 years ago, 29-Dec-99, to
  Re: Slim Pickings at Target
(...) Of course the counter is that occaisionally they screw up. This same Target (which Mike has said the stock people have said they "never" put any LEGO on clearance), clearanced 5978 earlier this year. They then continued to re-stock all fall at (...) (25 years ago, 29-Dec-99, to
  Re: Slim Pickings at Target
(...) My best recollection is several weeks. I think they were wrangling the price twice a week or so. The current round (mentioned in .shopping yesterday) should be most interesting. They have little freed-up shelf space from xmas. There were two (...) (25 years ago, 30-Dec-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Slim Pickings at Target
(...) What you speak of seems to be *very* dependent on the particular store and their philosophy of markdowns. My local WM-sc seems to be of the mind "don't clearance it until we have tried ever other way to sell it. Once we start marking down, do (...) (25 years ago, 29-Dec-99, to,

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