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Re: Slim Pickings at Target
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 04:00:11 GMT
2179 times
Timbo wrote:

Troy Cefaratti wrote:

Is it just here in Detroit, or does Target's post-Christmas clearance
stock seem unusually sparse this year?

I made a stop at one of the Local Target stores on the 24th, and there was
NOTHING to be found!  There were maybe 15-20 lego sets TOTAL on the shelf.
I was totally amazed, i'd never seen any store that low on stock.  Must have
been a hell of a clearance sale.

Today, out of sheer luck, I decided to stop at another local Target.

The Target across the street from my apartment was the same way.  The
amazing this was that it was NOT clearence prices that emptied their
shelves.   Most of the good stuff was gone BEFORE they even got to the
clearance prices.

Wow.  I got lucky at the Maple and Haggerty Target--two 6455 Space Simulation
Stations and three Com-Link Cruisers.  I'm pretty much sated for the next couple
of days, although I'd love more of those inverted windshields if I can find them!



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Slim Pickings at Target
(...) The Target across the street from my apartment was the same way. The amazing this was that it was NOT clearence prices that emptied their shelves. Most of the good stuff was gone BEFORE they even got to the clearance prices. TImbo (25 years ago, 27-Dec-99, to,

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