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Re: Email Authentication - Why not make it optional?
lugnet.admin.nntp, lugnet.general
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 03:22:35 GMT
82 times

It sounds like the problem was a lot more widespread than I thought.

Perhaps these "bad" people weren't posting in groups I frequented.

Anyhow, it sounds like the security stuff is here to stay and will probably
get more intrusive rather than less.

I can always use the web interface, but I prefer to use NNTP.  I feel like I
can get a much better view of what's going on.  Perhaps I'll re-evaluate my
decision and use the web more often now.

Brad Hamilton <> wrote in message
This email authentication is driving me nuts!  A lot of people were • already
timid about posting and now its going to be worse.

Since this has happened, I've seen one reply of the nature "Great - I'm so
happy you did this!" post and a huge number of "This is such a hassle, why
are we doing this" posts.  Presumably, the one positive post is from the • one
person (or maybe there were two) that had this problem.

Why are we punishing the whole community for a problem that only one or • two
people had?  This is even more annoying given that this is the first time
I've heard about this happening (so presumably, the likilihood of this
happening again is low as well).

Why can't this authentication be an optional feature?  Why not let the one
or two people who are actually worried about being spoofed turn it on and
let everyone else post without authorization???

Why not have a web page where you can toggle your status on/off (perhaps
generated from a key sent by email)?

I would immediately turn mine off and leave it off unless I actually • started
having problems with people stealing my identity (which I think is • unlikely
in the extreme).

I think that the default should be OFF and when you subscribe to LUGNET, • you
get a message saying "Security Warning: We recommend that you turn this on
if blah blah blah...."  I seriously doubt that anyone is going to spoof • the
identity of some new, unknown member.

I personally believe that the spoofing that went on was probably an • isolated
case by one individual.  Are we going to let that one attack stifle the • life
out of LUGNET???

Message is in Reply To:
  Email Authentication - Why not make it optional?
This email authentication is driving me nuts! A lot of people were already timid about posting and now its going to be worse. Since this has happened, I've seen one reply of the nature "Great - I'm so happy you did this!" post and a huge number of (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp, lugnet.general)

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