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Re: My Non-LEGO family experiance (Nice Story)
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 19:43:46 GMT
1815 times
In lugnet.general, Frank Filz writes:
Richard Schamus wrote:
I started my Excel sheet a couple of years ago, because
I didn't want to keep answering, "who the heck knows," on my rtl rollcall

Unfortuanately I still need to answer "who the heck knows" despite
having a spread sheet. This is because I add more sets faster than I can
get them into my spreadsheet (just take a look at my web site pictures
at to get a feel,
of course those are way out of date, or ask Mike Walsh [who has seen
much of the progression]).

I can make a somewhat educated guess though, I figure I've entered 1/3
to 1/2 of my collection.

Frank Filz

Work: (business only please)
It took me awhile to get it all done, but I think it's worth it now that it
is. You could, um, borrow, the work and just addapt it to your needs. I've, um
borrowed other things in my time, and made them my own, with unique changes. I
wouldn't hold it against you.
I get behind a couple of months, but Ijust updated it. I'm in the 90k region.
Have Fun! C-Ya!


Legoman34 (Richard W. Schamus)... (No, I don't work for TLC, but I want
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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My Non-LEGO family experiance (Nice Story)
(...) Unfortuanately I still need to answer "who the heck knows" despite having a spread sheet. This is because I add more sets faster than I can get them into my spreadsheet (just take a look at my web site pictures at (URL) to get a feel, of (...) (25 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)

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