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 Castle / 870
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Re: Castle structure advice...
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 04:10:16 GMT
1634 times
In lugnet.castle, Aaron West writes:
In lugnet.castle, Bryan Wong writes:
Perhaps the use of plates resting on tiles may work.  For example, the
room below could be 8x10 (studs).  Assuming you provide the proper
supports, you could have a room above that's 6x8, fit inside the room
below.  I'm not sure if you get what I mean, but I've used baseplates in
that manner before.


This sounds similar to the Night Lord's Castle Tower setup.  It is resting
between two support bricks that run the length of the tower's base, a
table at the front, a fortified wall behind offering support, on top of a
pair of tiles that are 1 stud wide and 8 long, and it is held down in
place by a pair of 1x4 tiles that ancor it to the side-support bricks.
Check the instruction scans available if you need to.

I've been building my modular castles this way since I was a kid.  But instead
of simply having the removable room nestled between supports or held down by
anchors, I make the walls of the room uneven on the bottom, with the ceiling of
the room below it (topped with tiles) shaped the same way.  So, the
removable room fits onto the larger structure like a puzzle piece snapping into
place.  But since there's no actual "peg to hole" contact, the room slips off
on and quite easily.

Rick Kurtzuba

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle structure advice...
(...) This sounds similar to the Night Lord's Castle Tower setup. It is resting between two support bricks that run the length of the tower's base, a table at the front, a fortified wall behind offering support, on top of a pair of tiles that are 1 (...) (25 years ago, 3-Dec-99, to lugnet.castle)

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