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Re: Java LDraw/LDLite
Thu, 4 Mar 1999 08:04:21 GMT
1499 times
In, (izzy98) writes:
I spent the last couple of days trying to pound out a quick Java Ldraw
Check out the results:

I think I'm 98% there -- I downloaded and installed the JRE and I have local
copies of the jldraw.jar as you suggested, but when I do

   C:\LDRAW>"\program files\javasoft\jre\1.1\bin\jre" -cp jldraw.jar

I get the error message:

   Class not found:

What am I doing wrong?  (I haven't played with Java for almost 3 years; maybe
this is my problem. :)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Java LDraw/LDLite
I got the source code and tried to compile it using Sun's Java. Unfortunately, the code is using proprietary Symantec widgets, so it won't compile. I wasn't able to get it to run using jre, either, Todd. You didn't do anything wrong. Using the JDK (...) (26 years ago, 4-Mar-99, to
  Re: Java LDraw/LDLite
Ah hah! The Xoom server is sending the wrong content-type for the jar file durring the HTTP conversation. The jar is not corrupted, but when downloading with a browser that doesn't know not to trust that content-type, it DOES get corrupted. I made a (...) (26 years ago, 4-Mar-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Java LDraw/LDLite
Talk is cheep. I spent the last couple of days trying to pound out a quick Java Ldraw program. Check out the results: (URL) as an Applet is way too slow. Its best to download jre and try it with that: (URL) that this is terribly buggy right now and (...) (26 years ago, 3-Mar-99, to

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