John VanZwieten wrote:
> > I don't like having this list (and having to keeping it up-to-date),
> > but it seems that many part authors are lazy or ignorant and write
> > lines like "1 16 x y z 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 4-4disc.dat"
> I doubt it's laziness, since a default insertion has a 1 in
> the yy column.
No, sorry, wrong word, I didn't mean part authors are lazy!
Because POV is a ray tracer, it needs to calculate transformations
backwards and therefore it calculates inverse matrices. If a
matrix is singular it cannot be inverted, so POV won't just
issue a warning as I wrote yesterday, it actually refuses
to continue parsing.
> There was talk in the primitives group about using the discs and rings
> for cones.
Are you sure you can transform a disc or ring into a cone? How?
> Would it by possible for L3P to replace the 0 with 0.000000001.
> In the cone case being used as a ring, it would turn out just a
> very slightly sloping cone. For rings, etc. it wouldn't make any
> difference.
Good idea, John. I'll try that.
Since POV is pure floating-point I guess it's OK.
(Unless some matrix scale becomes 1000000000!)
However, I still think we should regular primitives (i.e. add cones)
and regular transformations, and not rely on some smart tweaking
possible in ONE class of renderers. The parts database is very valuable,
and we should think about other renderers as OpenGL, DirectDraw, WRML,
and what's yet to come.
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