Re: Java LDraw/LDLite
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 23:12:55 GMT
1762 times
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Todd Lehman wrote:
> You just allocate a buffer, designate it as being a graphics buffer, and call
> functions to do graphics primitives. Here's an example -- not probably a
> great example because it's 3 years old and not documented worth a darn -- but
> it was quick to dig up and does give an example of raster blasting at a low
> but completely portable level.
It's probably even easier now, with the new 2D graphics API finished (1),
and a 3D API in the works. I don't claim to know how these work (or even if
they're useful for anything :-) but I've seen the 2D API favorably compared
to the capabilities of the Postscript language.
> BTW, one of the BEST things about it is that you can work entirely in 24-bit
> (or 32-bit) color and the built-in graphics subsystem takes care of color
> quantization totally transparently! (no pun intended :)
:-D :-D :-D Ouch, that was funny! Almost snorted up my Dr. Pepper!
- jsproat
Jeremy H. Sproat <>
"The world will not perish for want of wonders but for want of wonder"
-- British scientist J. B. S. Haldane (1892-1964)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Java LDraw/LDLite
| Actually the 3D api is released, it works great and is fairly easy to use, I recomand it as far as parsing there are several parser generators for java out there. and the 3D api is hardware accelerated (it is written on top of opengl) Sproaticus a (...) (26 years ago, 28-Feb-99, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Java LDraw/LDLite
| (...) It's surprisingly easy. Java actually doesn't suck! :) You just allocate a buffer, designate it as being a graphics buffer, and call functions to do graphics primitives. Here's an example -- not probably a great example because it's 3 years (...) (26 years ago, 25-Feb-99, to
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