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Re: Java LDraw/LDLite
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 23:12:55 GMT
1762 times
Todd Lehman wrote:
You just allocate a buffer, designate it as being a graphics buffer, and call
functions to do graphics primitives.  Here's an example -- not probably a
great example because it's 3 years old and not documented worth a darn -- but
it was quick to dig up and does give an example of raster blasting at a low
but completely portable level.

It's probably even easier now, with the new 2D graphics API finished (1),
and a 3D API in the works.  I don't claim to know how these work (or even if
they're useful for anything :-) but I've seen the 2D API favorably compared
to the capabilities of the Postscript language.

BTW, one of the BEST things about it is that you can work entirely in 24-bit
(or 32-bit) color and the built-in graphics subsystem takes care of color
quantization totally transparently!  (no pun intended :)

:-D  :-D  :-D  Ouch, that was funny!  Almost snorted up my Dr. Pepper!

- jsproat


Jeremy H. Sproat <>
"The world will not perish for want of wonders but for want of wonder"
-- British scientist J. B. S. Haldane (1892-1964)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Java LDraw/LDLite
Actually the 3D api is released, it works great and is fairly easy to use, I recomand it as far as parsing there are several parser generators for java out there. and the 3D api is hardware accelerated (it is written on top of opengl) Sproaticus a (...) (26 years ago, 28-Feb-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Java LDraw/LDLite
(...) It's surprisingly easy. Java actually doesn't suck! :) You just allocate a buffer, designate it as being a graphics buffer, and call functions to do graphics primitives. Here's an example -- not probably a great example because it's 3 years (...) (26 years ago, 25-Feb-99, to

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