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 CAD / Development / 5367
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Re: part skins (was Re: some thoughts on ldraw parts)
Wed, 4 Oct 2000 18:11:58 GMT
1158 times
Larry Pieniazek <> wrote:

You feed it the outlines of the features of the printed
element, along with a "color seed" inside each colored region, and it
generates the triangles and colors them appropriately.

Define "feed" in this context... an ordered vertex list? That's still hard to
do, what is needed is an app that lets me create these regions superimposed on
a bitmap.

You are correct on both points.  The primary value of the tool at this
point is that it removes the tedium of defining polygons to connect vertices.
It's a start!

Ideally there would be a nice GUI on top of it that would let you draw the
outlines on top of a bitmap (scanned image of the printed part);

Er, ah, kind of like that.

Your edge-detection suggestion is certainly the ideal, but would get a bit
difficult for patterns with curved outlines.  The progression as I see it
is: automatic meshing of text-defined outlines -> GUI with ability to draw
outlines graphically -> GUI with edge detection/some sort of automatic
outline generation.  At least the first two are easy. :)

Barb & Steve Demlow  |  |

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: part skins (was Re: some thoughts on ldraw parts)
(...) Cool beans! (...) Define "feed" in this context... an ordered vertex list? That's still hard to do, what is needed is an app that lets me create these regions superimposed on a bitmap. (...) Er, ah, kind of like that. (...) I think this is an (...) (24 years ago, 4-Oct-00, to

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