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Re: part skins (was Re: some thoughts on ldraw parts)
Wed, 4 Oct 2000 08:02:46 GMT
1203 times
In lugnet.cad.mlcad Larry Pieniazek <> wrote:

Decorations, like everything else, need to be described as collections of
polygons. Unfortunately. And currently, that's what parts authors, even gifted
decoration authors like Chris Dee, do. They bash polygons by hand.

Is there another way round, though, to add some automation?

Yes indeedy, and coincidentally I slung together the beginnings of such a
program tonight.  You feed it the outlines of the features of the printed
element, along with a "color seed" inside each colored region, and it
generates the triangles and colors them appropriately.  (Currently it
generates only triangles, but merging triangles into quads when appropriate
isn't hard.)  My code is really just a wrapper around Jonathan Shewchuk's
"Triangle" library ( ), which
does all the hard stuff.

Ideally there would be a nice GUI on top of it that would let you draw the
outlines on top of a bitmap (scanned image of the printed part); Java2D
would make this both relatively easy and portable.  But even as a command
line tool it shows great promise.  The code needs some cleanup to be really
useful, but as soon as it's decent I will make it available.

Barb & Steve Demlow  |  |

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: part skins (was Re: some thoughts on ldraw parts)
(...) Cool beans! (...) Define "feed" in this context... an ordered vertex list? That's still hard to do, what is needed is an app that lets me create these regions superimposed on a bitmap. (...) Er, ah, kind of like that. (...) I think this is an (...) (24 years ago, 4-Oct-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: part skins (was Re: some thoughts on ldraw parts)
(...) <snip> I feel this suggestion as worded combines two different, separable ideas, both of which merit discussion. One would be the introduction of subcategories for decorated versions of parts within the authoring tools. The other is a new, (...) (24 years ago, 29-Sep-00, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.mlcad,

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