Re: Categories (was Re: Parts with odd angles)
Sat, 17 Jul 1999 11:13:58 GMT
1319 times
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> Here's a possible definition for the Equipment category:
> Pieces which are deliberate representations of heavy equipment.
> Ladders, farm tools, and earth-moving equipment are typical examples of
> what belongs in Equipment. In contrast to Accessories, which are
> typically personal (ie, hand-held) tools or decorative items.
would e.g. the pickaxe part go in equipment or aaccessories? the chainsaw?
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| (...) Or take all the bricks with alphanumeric printing, along with the Roadsigns, and make a new category called Sign. How about moving the bricks with headlight/taillight patterns to Car? And plane windows to Plane. Hmm, maybe a generic Patterned (...) (25 years ago, 16-Jul-99, to
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