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Re: Parts with odd angles
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 19:13:57 GMT
1483 times
On Thu, 15 Jul 1999 17:40:00 GMT, Sproaticus <> wrote:

Steve Bliss wrote:
On Thu, 15 Jul 1999 17:06:12 GMT, Sproaticus <> wrote:
Okay.  In order to pivot a piece, you need two pieces of information:  the
*angle* of rotation, and the *axis* of rotation.  Given one, it's a little
work to figure out the other.
That's for hinged pieces where the hinge's axis is not located at <0,0,0>,

c /hinged/rotating/

This is a troll, right?

Not really, just trying to clarify.

It's for every piece whose axis of rotation is not located at <0,0,0>.

What's the axis of rotation for a 2x4 brick? (expected answer: "it doesn't
have one")


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Parts with odd angles
(...) Gotcha. (...) Sure, but there are several non-hinged pieces that do have an axis of rotation (or pivoting, anyway), the ones coming to mind are: 2904.DAT Technic Motorcycle Pivot 2342.DAT Space Control Panel (needs work) Also, tons of pieces, (...) (26 years ago, 15-Jul-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Parts with odd angles
(...) This is a troll, right? It's for every piece whose axis of rotation is not located at <0,0,0>. Cheers, - jsproat (26 years ago, 15-Jul-99, to

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