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Re: Parts with odd angles
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 17:25:30 GMT
1363 times
On Thu, 15 Jul 1999 17:06:12 GMT, Sproaticus <> wrote:

Terry K wrote:
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999 16:10:33 GMT, Sproaticus <> wrote:
"Fredrik Glöckner" wrote:
Thanks, I'll compile a list of the parts I've had the need for some
angle to use and send it to you.
I'm probably stating the obvious here, but...  Please also include the
coordinates for the pivot as well as the angle.
Not obvious to me.  Clarify what you mean a little.

Okay.  In order to pivot a piece, you need two pieces of information:  the
*angle* of rotation, and the *axis* of rotation.  Given one, it's a little
work to figure out the other.

That's for hinged pieces where the hinge's axis is not located at <0,0,0>,


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Parts with odd angles
(...) This is a troll, right? It's for every piece whose axis of rotation is not located at <0,0,0>. Cheers, - jsproat (26 years ago, 15-Jul-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Parts with odd angles
(...) Okay. In order to pivot a piece, you need two pieces of information: the *angle* of rotation, and the *axis* of rotation. Given one, it's a little work to figure out the other. Cheers, - jsproat (26 years ago, 15-Jul-99, to

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