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Re: Parts with odd angles
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 03:32:29 GMT
1092 times
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999 13:48:14 GMT, "John VanZwieten"
<> wrote:

Wouldn't it at least make sense to put the angle in the description where
possible?  Most new LDrawers probably wouldn't think (or know how) to look in
the part header.  Just adding "15Deg" wouldn't make most part names too long.

That *might* work.  What does everyone think?
We need to standardize it, whatever we do.
The reason I would use the 'KEYWORDS' is because those do show up in the
Anders' ldlist program.

Here's a radical thought:  change "Technic" to "Tech" for the whole category,
giving an extra 3 characters to work with.

Maybe.  Opinions?

I just had the same experience with the minifig tool drill, rotating it to fit
in a minifig's hand.

I've done that as well.

-- Terry K --

Terry K <> wrote in message
Good point, Fredrik.

I don't see putting the angle in the actual description line (due to space
constraints), but it would be possible to at least add it into the file for
reference.  Perhaps put it into the "KEYWORDS" statement,  then it would at
least show up in the LDList parts searcher.

If you want to compile a list of part numbers, and the correct angles, I • could
do that to the parts.

-- Terry K --

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999 07:17:52 GMT, Fredrik Glöckner
<> wrote:

I've recently had some trouble using parts which use some odd angles.
I'll give some examples:

o When using the 2904.DAT "Technic Motorcycle Pivot", one needs to find
out the angle of the pivot (15°) before it is at all useable.  I found
the angle by looking into the source and calculating it manually based
on the slope of a quad, but I figure some may not be savvy enough to do

o The 571.DAT "Technic Liftarm  1 x  9 Bent" is often used in the position
where the "other" end is level.  This means the the part needs to be
rotated 53.13°.  To find that number, one needs to use some
mathematics.  Perhaps not every LDraw users can do that.

o Connecting anything to the angled end of 32015.DAT "Technic Angle
Connector #5" means that you'll need to know that the angle of it is
112.5° (if I remember correctly!).  How do you know this angle?

o There are probably many minifig tools and so on, which also have odd

Now, my point in all this is that if these angles were written out in
the name of the part, or even in one of the headers, the parts would be
much more easy to use.

What do you think?


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Parts with odd angles
(...) In my opinion, adding "15Deg" or whatever to the end of the description sounds standardized enough for me. But I'm probably not experienced enough with LDraw to tell. (...) Personally, I don't like it. I don't think the conversion from (...) (26 years ago, 15-Jul-99, to
  Re: Parts with odd angles
(...) It makes sense on some parts, not on others. It would fit in well with the Technic Angle Connectors, not so well with the minifig drill. Speaking of the drill, something should be done with the minifig hand, which has an incorrect angle at the (...) (26 years ago, 15-Jul-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Parts with odd angles
Wouldn't it at least make sense to put the angle in the description where possible? Most new LDrawers probably wouldn't think (or know how) to look in the part header. Just adding "15Deg" wouldn't make most part names too long. Here's a radical (...) (26 years ago, 14-Jul-99, to

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