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Re: Voting Comments
Tue, 18 May 1999 18:05:59 GMT
918 times
Is there already a button for this?  It had odd results when I tried it long
ago IIRC.

-John Van

Steve Bliss <> wrote in message
On Tue, 18 May 1999 12:56:55 GMT, Fredrik Glöckner
<> wrote: (Steve Bliss) writes:

Always draw edge-lines first.

Is that so?  I can't remember having read that in the FAQ.  I'll make
sure to sort the edges first, now that I know of this.

I've thought about writing a function in LDAO to sort a DAT file by
line-type: first the 2 (edges) and 5 (conditionals), then the 1 (may be
edges, surfaces, or both) then the 3 (triangles) and 4 (quads).


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Voting Comments
(...) There's a Sort function, but it sorts by position, bottom-to-top, back-to-front. I put it there to help me transition models from the "adding pieces to the file when it's convenient" mode to the "present new pieces in order for other people to (...) (26 years ago, 18-May-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Voting Comments
(...) I've thought about writing a function in LDAO to sort a DAT file by line-type: first the 2 (edges) and 5 (conditionals), then the 1 (may be edges, surfaces, or both) then the 3 (triangles) and 4 (quads). Steve (26 years ago, 18-May-99, to

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