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Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
Wed, 16 Feb 2000 22:06:34 GMT
284 times
In lugnet.admin.database, Todd Lehman wrote:

In lugnet.admin.database, Steve Bliss writes:
QuickSet seems like a nifty thing.  I have one big problem with it,
unfortunately.  This is with IE5.  Once launched, the QuickSet window becomes
the target window for any URL that gets launched from a non-browser
application.  [...]

Wow, that's a very strange browser bug.  (How did you launch it, BTW?  With
one of the 4 main launchers, or one of the 4 alternative links for non-
JavaScript browsers?)

I've done both, but I can't say I've rigorously checked for this annoyance in
all cases.

One smaller navigation thing, having to do with looking up a range of sets.
I enter my query in the QuickSet window.  A new window is displayed, with
thumbnails of all the matching sets.  If I click one of the thumbnails, an
enlarged version of that thumbnail is displayed in the same window,
replacing the list of sets.  I can't get back to the list, because I don't
have any navigation aids.  So if I want to examine another match, I have to
requery.  [...]

Hmm, MSIE5 doesn't have the right-click "Back" option?  (I always thought it
did.)  If that doesn't work, and you actually are able to launch it in MSIE
with one of the 4 main JS launchers, what happens when you click the check-
boxes before launching it?  (In particular, the Navigation checkbox.)

I'm sure it does.  I just never use that function from the context menu, so I
didn't think of it.  So this situation is downgraded from an annoyance to an
interface quirk.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) Ok, well, the best thing I can recommend then in that case is checking the "Navigation" checkbox before launching the utility. That way, you'll get a "Back" button for that window. (Unfortunately, I don't have MSIE5 to test this out and (...) (25 years ago, 16-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) Wow, that's a very strange browser bug. (How did you launch it, BTW? With one of the 4 main launchers, or one of the 4 alternative links for non- JavaScript browsers?) (...) Hmm, MSIE5 doesn't have the right-click "Back" option? (I always (...) (25 years ago, 15-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)

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