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Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
Wed, 16 Feb 2000 20:22:04 GMT
7195 times
In lugnet.admin.database, Todd Lehman writes:
4.  Now open the "Edit Bookmarks" window (Ctrl-B, Command-B, or Alt-B
    depending on your OS) and highlight the QuickSet bookmark in the
    "Personal Toolbar Folder."  Now select Edit > Bookmark Properties
    from the bookmarks menu and change the URL to:

(Step #4 above is only necessary because it's impossible (AFAIK) to bookmark
a pure .js file directly because it never appears in the URL location bar.)

BTW, related to above, there's one other URL worth mentioning:

ql.js - QuickSet launcher - launches itty bitty dedicated window with
   self-contained search box.

qs.js - QuickSet search - issues a pop-up-prompt search box, then launches
   itty bitty window for search result.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Itty-bitty LEGO set looker-upper
(...) I don't know of any way, no, but in a former life I used to do lots of Win32 GUI programming, so I'm going to bet that it's possible that there's a tool out there somewhere (something akin to WinSpy++) that would let a user choose a window and (...) (25 years ago, 13-Feb-00, to lugnet.admin.database)

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