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Re: From the first LEGO(r) Train Summit: LEGO(r) Trains are alive and well
Thu, 8 Feb 2001 18:12:54 GMT
1953 times
In lugnet.trains, John Neal writes:
LD sells to consumers-- kids, you, me.  TLC sells to its customers-- Target,
TRU, Wal*mart, etc.  While this might not be a revelation, its distinction
will be more and more obvious.  LEGO mosaic is a good example.  Can't really
sell a set like that retail.

John, I think you got those backwards.  If I remember correctly, Steven H.
(Vice President in charge of LEGO Shop at Home) described the difference
between a 'consumer' and a 'customer'.  He described the 'customer' as
having a "relationship" with the seller, where as a 'consumer' doesn't
really care where they buy something.  (And that relationship goes both ways!)

For a real world example:  A customer might shop at the same gas station
every week, where a consumer would shop someplace else if they could save a
penny per gallon.  A customer feels loyalty to the retailer, and the
retailer has the same loyalty to the customer.

LEGO Direct is going to try to turn us *all* into customers!  :-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: From the first LEGO(r) Train Summit: LEGO(r) Trains are alive and well
(...) Oh yes! As an AFOL and an LTC member. (...) Yes, we do, but LEGO Direct is changing the bottom line, if you will. LD has much more flexibility and has different constraints than LEGO directed at retail. Packaging costs, for instance. Look at (...) (23 years ago, 8-Feb-01, to lugnet.trains,

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