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Re: From the first LEGO(r) Train Summit: LEGO(r) Trains are alive and well
Tue, 6 Feb 2001 00:56:57 GMT
1837 times
In lugnet.trains, Larry Pieniazek writes:
I wonder if they plan to have any meetings like this in other countries?
Germany seems very keen on trains.
Plenty of interest here in the UK too.

It was the *first* LEGO(r) Train Summit.

No, he didn't ask wether there would be more train summits, but having
assumed there assumed there will be, whether non-northamerican train fans
(lego staff don't really count) will be included in the invitations.

James (who is trying to hatch the Trains of Australia Lego Club, TALC)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: From the first LEGO(r) Train Summit: LEGO(r) Trains are alive and well
(...) I've said it before, it is my view that 4561 is a good product for the market it is targeted at. Town Jr. is a good product for the market it is targeted at. Bionicle is a good product for the market it is targeted at, for that matter. None of (...) (23 years ago, 4-Feb-01, to lugnet.trains)

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