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NXT external power?
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 18:57:37 GMT
3558 times
In lugnet.trains, Tony Hafner wrote:

   Fortunately, the NXT RCX can run off an AC outlet.


Huh? The Wired article specifically mentioned that the user group lobbied hard for an external power port but did not get one.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: NXT external power?
I played with the NXT and spoke with the product manager at CES. There is NO AC plug on the NXT, nor can it be powered via USB. SteveB (...) (18 years ago, 13-Jan-06, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Some more infos on new trains // more new infos as quoted from 1000steine
(...) If you have an rail-powered train running constantly on each track and augment the layout by manually running an IR train on each track as well, then a set of batteries will easily get you through a day at most shows. Use rechargeable (...) (18 years ago, 12-Jan-06, to lugnet.trains)

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