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Re: DINOTRON: A cross-system hybrid MOC theme
Tue, 4 Apr 2000 18:12:07 GMT
5327 times
At 06:15 PM 4/3/00 +0000, Todd Lehman wrote:
>I wonder if Winnie-the-Pooh can hold things in his hand or if they're just
>build for honeydipping...?  I'm pretty sure Eeyore has a DUPLO stud on his
>back which would convert nicely to a 2x2 SYSTEM brick or larger.

todd, i loved the dinotron creations & pictures!  thanks for sharing.

i got curious about winnie-the-pooh so i pulled out my 15-month-old son's
2987 set.

(i don't know all the jargon here yet, so i hope this is clear.)

bad news about eeyore--no studs on his back.  if there was a 3x3 duplo
brick, each of his feet would connect to each corner stud.

similarly, piglet-attached-to-a-blue-boucy-ball only has a lego connector
at his base; it sits on one duplo stud, and doesn't connect to system directly.

tigger has 3 ways to connect to a duplo brick--each foot & his
tail.  winnie's feet each have indentions for duplo studs as well.

winnie & tigger both have hands that grasp: tigger's back hand, and both of
winnie's hand.  either of them can therefore pull the blue wagon that comes
with the set.  (in its center it has 2x2 duplo studs, and underneath it has
the same central post as a 2x2 duplo brick, so it can sit on duplo as well.)

i tried a few lego system items to see what they could hold, and didn't
have a lot of luck.  the only thing i found that winnie will hold securely
is the hand of a minifig; the grasp is sufficiently tight to support the
minifig's weight.  tigger's hand will surround a minifig's hand, but not
snugly.  an axle fits in winnie's hand, but due to the angle of the hand
position, it wasn't secure.  you might want to use a soft washer-type item
to compensate.

the only movable part on any of the four characters are winnie-the-pooh's
legs; they move together, hinged at the hip, so he can stand or sit.

(with andre's assistance)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: DINOTRON: A cross-system hybrid MOC theme
(...) Nooo...? :-( :-( :-( What hunched-over animal am I thinking of then? Must be one of the DUPLO farm animals...maybe a tiger? Eeyore would've been a lot of fun. (...) Ahh -- cool -- that's encouraging! What other sorts of things (if anything?) (...) (24 years ago, 4-Apr-00, to lugnet.duplo,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: DINOTRON: A cross-system hybrid MOC theme
(...) Todd, These are very cool. I love the happy dino faces with the machines of mass destruction slung on their backs. Its very similar to having a classic smiley going off to war just on a much larger scale. Now we just need to give (...) (24 years ago, 3-Apr-00, to lugnet.duplo)  

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