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Re: Brikwars
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 19:34:00 GMT
4733 times
In lugnet.duplo, Drew Lawrence writes:

Where are the Brikwars events held? Anywhere near the eastern U.S.? And when
are they held? Monthly?

NELUG held one this past Saturday (4/1/2000) in Waltham, Massachusetts, but
there's no set schedule.  We're talking about another one soon, so if Ma isn't
too far for you, you're more than welcome to join us.  You can follow the
discussion in the group.  You can also find links to
pictures from the last one there.

If Massachusetts is too much of a hike, I think Stephen Roberts was trying to
organise one further south, around DC.  Check the DC area group for that.


Message is in Reply To:
(...) some of (...) Where are the Brikwars events held? Anywhere near the eastern U.S.? And when are they held? Monthly? LegoMasterLuke (24 years ago, 3-Apr-00, to lugnet.duplo)

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