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Re: DINOTRON: A cross-system hybrid MOC theme
Sun, 2 Apr 2000 18:12:07 GMT
4989 times
In lugnet.duplo, Eric Joslin writes:
In lugnet.duplo, Todd Lehman writes:
[Not sure what ng's to crosspost this to . . . it's kinda a hodge-podge of
DUPLO and Star Wars and Castle and mecha stuff.  I guess I'll go with that.
Followups to .duplo?]

I also meant to say, I'd have gone with followups to .build.mecha - after all,
there's only one Duplo element in each one, right? :D

Prolly, but this is more excitement than .duplo gets in a month, usually,
right? They say it's good to take your machinery out and floor it every once in
a while, cleans out built up gunk and carbon. So we're giving .duplo it's
monthly spin.



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: DINOTRON: A cross-system hybrid MOC theme
(...) I also meant to say, I'd have gone with followups to .build.mecha - after all, there's only one Duplo element in each one, right? :D eric (24 years ago, 2-Apr-00, to lugnet.duplo)

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