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Re: DINOTRON: A cross-system hybrid MOC theme
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 13:10:29 GMT
4614 times
In lugnet.duplo, Todd Lehman writes:
[Not sure what ng's to crosspost this to . . . it's kinda a hodge-podge of
DUPLO and Star Wars and Castle and mecha stuff.  I guess I'll go with that.
Followups to .duplo?]

These were a lot of fun to make.  Here's the secret:  The backs of the DUPLO
dinos, it turns out, are regular DUPLO studs which perfectly accommodate 2x4
and 2x6 LEGO SYSTEM bricks.  But not only that, they also accommodate the new
6x6x2 quad-inverse-slope SYSTEM bricks that come in the LEGO Star Wars sets!
And these enable the very quick conversion of a DUPLO dino into a SYSTEM dino!

The minifigs are Blacktron I figs with Ninja heads and various other Castle
helmets.  The rest of the parts come purely from LEGO Star Wars sets (one copy
of each 1999 & 2000 set, plus 5 additional parts that needed to be nabbed from
second copies of Naboo Swamp and Naboo Fighter.)



These are very cool.  I love the happy dino faces with the machines of mass
destruction slung on their backs.  Its very similar to having a classic smiley
going off to war just on a much larger scale.

Now we just need to give Winne-the-Pooh a bazooka and we would have quite a
nice army.

Eric Kingsley,

(I agree with Shaun you have to bring these to the next Brikwars meeting)

The New England LEGO Users Group

View My Creations at:

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: DINOTRON: A cross-system hybrid MOC theme
(...) LOL!!!! I wonder if Winnie-the-Pooh can hold things in his hand or if they're just build for honeydipping...? I'm pretty sure Eeyore has a DUPLO stud on his back which would convert nicely to a 2x2 SYSTEM brick or larger. (...) OK --Todd (24 years ago, 3-Apr-00, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: DINOTRON: A cross-system hybrid MOC theme
At 06:15 PM 4/3/00 +0000, Todd Lehman wrote: >I wonder if Winnie-the-Pooh can hold things in his hand or if they're just >build for honeydipping...? I'm pretty sure Eeyore has a DUPLO stud on his >back which would convert nicely to a 2x2 SYSTEM (...) (24 years ago, 4-Apr-00, to lugnet.duplo,  

Message is in Reply To:
  DINOTRON: A cross-system hybrid MOC theme
[Not sure what ng's to crosspost this to . . . it's kinda a hodge-podge of DUPLO and Star Wars and Castle and mecha stuff. I guess I'll go with that. Followups to .duplo?] (URL) were a lot of fun to make. Here's the secret: The backs of the DUPLO (...) (24 years ago, 2-Apr-00, to lugnet.duplo,, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.castle) ! 

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