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Re: DINOTRON: A cross-system hybrid MOC theme
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 19:11:18 GMT
4734 times
In lugnet.duplo, Todd Lehman writes:
In lugnet.duplo, Rick Kujawa writes:
Cool creations Todd.  I can imagine an animated cartoon series with them
flying about already.  The next Power Rangers?

I noticed that the LEGO DUPLO Little Forest Friends (a.k.a. "fleshy dough-blob
kids with upturned noses and live among flowers and toadstools and insects")
have a few creatures (ladybugs, caterpillars? I forget) similar in design to
the DUPLO Dinosaurs...

If I can overcome the disgust of the theme, I might buy a couple and make some
"Flower Rangers."  :)


Or, you can buy them, and because you don't like them, let your dinosaurs loose
among them :-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: DINOTRON: A cross-system hybrid MOC theme
(...) I noticed that the LEGO DUPLO Little Forest Friends (a.k.a. "fleshy dough-blob kids with upturned noses and live among flowers and toadstools and insects") have a few creatures (ladybugs, caterpillars? I forget) similar in design to the DUPLO (...) (24 years ago, 2-Apr-00, to lugnet.duplo)  

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