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Re: Good vs. Evil
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 20:11:57 GMT
1825 times
In lugnet.castle, Mike Kane writes:
Which brings me to an interesting question:  who is good and who is bad in
the Ninja realm, or is there no definite good and bad?
Anybody else have any idea about how good and bad works in this subtheme?

I have the following as my MOC (I just came out of my Dark Ages in December, so
I've loaded up on recent sets), and a guess to the theme's intent:

Grey Ninja are used (not terribly effectively) by my good, blue-flag (ninja and
Knight's Kingdom) army, manning the Bulls' siege machines. The Bulls are
mercenaries hired by the blue-flag Shougun, and mostly proceed on foot (not
really trusted). I believe the grey ninja were intended by TLC to be unallied
and opportunistic, in general.

Black Ninja are students of my Darth Vader and Darth Mauls at the ninja
academy, and are unallied. I believe they're supposed to be good in the theme,
and allied with the blue samurai.

Red Ninja are trained by the Red Ninja Master, who bound as a servant to the
wielder of a very evil relic. In the theme, I think the red ninja are allied
with the black dragon shougun, who is (or is a servant of) the emperor, and

My White Ninja is the daughter of the administrator of the ninja academy... but
in the theme, she's the daughter of the Emperor, so evil I guess.

I might have this a bit confused, because I don't know if TLC really intended
their behind-the-scenes emperor to turn out evil. But the Ninja theme seems to
me to be more about alliances than good vs. evil.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Good vs. Evil
(...) Which brings me to an interesting question: who is good and who is bad in the Ninja realm, or is there no definite good and bad? Here's the way I see it: there is one good team and two bad teams, not necessarily allied with each other. Good (...) (24 years ago, 21-Nov-99, to lugnet.castle)

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