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 Castle / 90
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Re: Good vs. Evil
Mon, 27 Sep 1999 16:15:22 GMT
1580 times
In lugnet.castle, David Eaton writes:
I got to thinking about this the other day... which castle themes are 'good
guys' and 'bad guys'? I noticed this as my own lego kingdom has gotten
progressivly overrun with what I think of as 'evil' lately...

In my own personal kingdom:
Crusaders/Lionheart - Good
Forestmen/Dark Forest - Mostly Good
Royal Knights - Good

Black Falcons - Evil
Black Knights - Evil
Wolfpack - Mostly Evil
Fright Knights - Evil
Dragon Masters - Evil

Hm...this is interesting to me.  I don't really have as much 'good' and 'evil'
as might be expected...instead, my Castle-time LEGOs seem to have set up a
rather complex political situation.

A long time ago, the land was united under one ruler, whose sign was "purpure,
a crown or".  It was a golden time, full of loyal knights, tournaments and
processions, but it is a time lost forever - a time before the Dark Ages.

After the Dark Ages, the first monarch to come to my attention ruled a large
and well-appointed kingdom which seemed initially to be at peace, even though
it was recently founded.  But there were rumors of darker things afoot.  Some
claimed that a man identical to the king was imprisoned beneath the castle,
locked in an iron mask. (I had an extra Royal King from the Carriage...I needed
*something* to do with him!)  The brave bandits of the Dark Forest - led by a
deposed Baron - were the only ones who suspected the truth.

It turned out that an evil Witch-Queen from the East had created a magical
duplicate of the King to rule in his place.  Once he was firmly ensconced, the
legions of the Fright Knights marched over the land, along with the black-clad
dragon-helmed mercenaries they had hired to provide heavy infantry support. The
bandits put up a guerilla resistance and eventually managed to free the King
from his imprisonment.

To add more complexity to the situation, it turns out that the King is the
youngest son of a large royal family whose domain is on the islands to the
north.  He despaired of ever inheriting the throne, and left to found his own
nation.  Now, the eldest brother (and rightful heir to the throne) is missing,
and the second brother has "convinced" his siblings to support his claim for
the throne.  However, he wants to make sure that all competition is either on
his side...or eliminated.

What happened to the eldest brother?  Nobody knows, but a mysterious Black
Knight rides with the Dragon Army.  He keeps to himself, and nobody sees him
out of his armor...

Meanwhile, the rough men of the Wolfpack - a famed and ruthless mercenary unit
- have come to the land.  They accept all who wish to join, asking no questions
about the past.  Who hired them?  What side are they on?

What about the mysterious Black Falcons?  The last time they were seen in these
parts their appearance heralded the coming of the Dark Ages.

And there are rumors abroad that three wizards againw alk the lands: one clad
in blue, with a staff tipped witha  sapphire; one clad in green, with a staff
tipped by an emerald; and one clad in black, with a staff tipped with a ruby.
What do they want?  What forces do they represent?  Only time will tell...

* * *

Oddly enough, I find that many of the major characters I think about are
actually MOCs of a sort - I'll swap a head or something to create a unique
fig.  Most of my Wolfpack is unique...the exiled baron who leads the Dark
Forest bandits...the Witch-Queen...does anybody else tend to do this, or do
people stick with the existing cast of characters?

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Good vs. Evil
(...) sniped (...) I usually do that too. All my Wolfpack and Forestmen are that way. (25 years ago, 27-Sep-99, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Good vs. Evil
(...) I tend to have two stories-- one for TLG's sets, and one for my own land. The TLG story is more focused around one kingdom, in nearly constant dispute (save 1979?-1983 when it was only the yellow castle... no teams... calm... peace), where (...) (25 years ago, 27-Sep-99, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Good vs. Evil
(...) (25 years ago, 27-Sep-99, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Good vs. Evil
I got to thinking about this the other day... which castle themes are 'good guys' and 'bad guys'? I noticed this as my own lego kingdom has gotten progressivly overrun with what I think of as 'evil' lately... In my own personal kingdom: (...) (25 years ago, 27-Sep-99, to lugnet.castle)

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