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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 2462
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LSC Proposal 0.99a
Tue, 1 Jul 2003 05:37:37 GMT
3135 times
This is a re-post of the LSC proposal 0.99 with two changes:
  • I removed the stipulation under ‘voting’ about the ad-hoc committee per this thread.
  • I changed the dates for voting from one day (July 20) to five days, July 17-22. This covers both weekdays and a weekend, so it should maximize everyone’s chances of being available to vote.
So, I’m reposting it as 0.99a. No revision marks this time, and no separate HTML page on another server, but fancy new FTX :o)


PS - I’m milling over the idea of the call for nominations and will get that out hopefully soon. Plus more info on membership and voting, but that will come a little later. Not too much, hopefully...
-- Standards Committee Proposal

Draft Version 0.99a
Written by: Tim Courtney
Contributors: Kevin Clague, Wayne Gramlich, Paul Gyugyi, Larry Pieniazek, Orion Pobursky, Dan Boger
July 1, 2003


This document specifies is a proposal for an LDraw Standards Committee, presented for discussion and suggestions for improvements from the LDraw community. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


Proposed is a Standards Committee to endorse and shape an Official file format spec document, consisting of the original LDraw spec (0.2.7) plus meta-commands developed by various LDraw-compatible LEGO CAD programs. This group’s participants will discuss, vote on, and adopt community-developed commands as Official standards. The goal of this body is to foster increased coordination and direction in our common community effort to develop a better 3D LEGO file format. This proposal is based on previous industry experience establishing standards bodies.


The LDraw community has existed as a minimally organized group of users, programmers, and parts authors since James Jessiman’s LDraw became widely used in the mid 1990’s. This community originated solely online and continues to use the internet as it’s primary medium of communication. LDraw standards have until this point only been semi-organized as well, with individual leaders in file format issues, but no defined processes for format evolution. This has caused confusion among both newcomers and long time participants, and the community recognizes the need for a group charged with adopting official standards and publishing official documentation.


Responsibilities of the Standards Committee
The Standards Committee (LSC) will be responsible for maintaining semi-regular internal discussions on pending file format issues, the overall progress of the LDraw file format and new or proposed developments made by different LDraw-based software authors. Initially, this group will be responsible for developing their own internal procedures on how to process and vote on proposals and how to write and publish documentation. The Committee will also be responsible for updating the greater LDraw community periodically of progress within the group. The Standards Committee will adopt new official standards by voting on them, and publish documentation on following such a decision. The LSC will document past, current and future LDraw File Formats.

The procedures shall be determined by the initial membership of the LSC. Items that shall be attended to are:
  • Call for internal discussion on a proposal made internally (by another LSC
  • Request for Final Comments (RFC) from the community before a vote
  • Call for a vote to ratify a proposal as standard
  • Drafting, reviewing, and publishing spec documents
  • Procedure for filling an early vacancy of a member
  • Number of votes needed to accept a proposal as a standard
  • Appointing sub-committees
Each LSC member can cast one (1) vote on any issue brought up within the LSC.

Membership of the LSC shall be limited to 5 people, unless LSC members vote to create additional vacancies for a future election.

The LSC may also define a procedure for voting to eliminate seats added in the future. The minimum number of seats on the LSC shall be 5.

Requirements for LSC Membership
To ensure only competent, dedicated, and active contributors are eligible to become members of the LSC, they shall have met one or more of the following requirements for nomination:
  • Authored at least two LDraw parts subsequently released in an Official
  • Served as a reviewer on the Parts Tracker through at least 2 official
  • Authored a software program that is compliant with either the LDraw 0.2.7
  • Petition for nomination as an LSC candidate approved by 2 current LSC members
  • Petition for nomination as an LSC candidate made to the LSC by at least 5
LSC Discussion
The LSC shall have a mailing list or other communication method where only members can post to, but the entire community can read. This allows the community to keep tabs on what is being discussed, and discuss LSC issues in public forums such as LUGNET’s CAD.* groups. The LSC should encourage this discussion, and should draw ideas and suggestions from non-LSC members in the community, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard. However, the LSC shall be the only group that votes to ratify a proposal as a standard.

Annual Summary
The members of the LSC will be responsible for publishing an annual summary to the community following elections for the next year’s term. This document must be published several weeks before elections, on the first of July of that year. This summary shall outline the progress of the previous term, note all versions of the spec ratified during the term, and summarize the future goals and ideas of the current LSC members.

Determining LSC Membership

Members of the first LSC will be nominated and voted upon in the same manner as in subsequent terms, with the exception that the first election shall be overseen by the ad-hoc organizing committee and subsequent elections shall be overseen by the then current governing body.

Initial Charter

The LSC will be chartered under the aegis of the overall

The ad-hoc committee charged with organizing is responsible for establishing a system for “ Membership” in order to create a legitimate group of voters. This membership will be open to anyone who wants to declare themselves a member, provided they own a valid email address. Information on this membership system will be posted to and LUGNET. This membership will have the opportunity to ratify future referendums on as presented by the ad-hoc committee or such subsequent governing body as shall be determined or developed. The principle of “one man, one vote” shall apply and any person determined to be using multiple identities to secure multiple votes shall be banned from further voting or membership. (We talk about membership/voting and organizational details because they are necessary to carry out the first vote for LSC members. Additional organizational details will be developed by the organizing committee and are not properly the subject of this proposal.)

Terms on the Standards Committee shall last one year.

The ad-hoc committee will issue the first call for nominations to the Standards Committee on July 1, 2003. Each subsequent call for nominations will be issued on the first day of July of that year, and shall be issued by the then current governing body. Nominations must be received and recorded by the 15th of July. Elections will be held on the 20th of July.

The Members who are eligible for LSC membership will vote on the nominees by privately listing the five (5) nominees they select for the position. Votes will be received and tallied initially by the ad-hoc committee (and subsequently by a permanent governing body), who will be accountable to each other and to the community for accuracy. The 1st LSC will consist of no more than 5 people, however the LSC will be able to create vacant seats to be filled at a future election if they wish.

Current leadership will announce the results of the election within 5 days of the election, on or before July 25.

Elected members of the LSC will take office on August 15. This gives downtime between elections on July 20th for outgoing members and incoming members to discuss the published Annual Report and ensure a smooth transition.

Key Dates

Initial Charter

July 1, 2003
   Call for nominations for 1st LSC
July 17-22, 2003
   1st LSC Election
August 15, 2003
   1st LSC Members take office

Recurring Dates

July 1
   Annual Summary published
July 15
   All nominations must be received and recorded
July 20
   LSC Elections
On or before July 25
   Ad-hoc organizing committee/permanent governing body announces election results
August 15
   New LSC Members take office


Ad-hoc Organizing Committee

Jacob Sparre Andersen, Steve Bliss, Tim Courtney, Terry Keller, and Community Advisor Larry Pieniazek. This group is responsible for forming a charter organization for (see: Membership

Defined, opt-in group of LDraw community participants who will have the right to vote on resolutions put forward by the Leadership. Standards Committee (LSC)

Group of 5 parts authors, Parts Tracker reviewers, or LDraw-compatible software authors elected by peers within the Membership to ratify and publish the Official File Format Spec.

Message has 2 Replies:
  formatting errors in FTX?? (wa Re: LSC Proposal 0.99a
In, Tim Courtney wrote: I like this draft a lot however there seem to be some word lossages here and there... the tail end of some phrases are missing, and I think it may be due to the FTX formatting??? for example: On the (...) (21 years ago, 1-Jul-03, to, lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.publish)
  Re: LSC Proposal 0.99a
(...) ... (...) Since the requirement says we want "active contributors", should this be clarified to say "5 reviews in each of the last two updates"? I don't think that I qualify to be on the LSC, just because I reviewed 20 files back in early (...) (21 years ago, 3-Jul-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  LSC Proposal 0.99
I think it's time to post the 0.99 draft of the LSC proposal. I've pasted it below with mo revision marks. You can see an HTML document _with_ revision marks here: (URL) think we're 99% of the way there to having a final draft - and if there are no (...) (21 years ago, 5-May-03, to

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