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Re: what is the use of a caboose?
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 06:35:43 GMT
1001 times
In lugnet.trains, Christopher Masi writes:
Lawrence Wilkes wrote:

"Christopher Masi" <> wrote in message
John Neal wrote:
The best reason to build a caboose is because a caboose is a classic and
romanticized part of trains. Everyone loves a caboose.

But not outside the USA where we don't have them.

We do have Guard's Vans though.
Similar function, but usually a different design.

They too have disappeared.
So have the Guards!


You don't love cabooses? How weird. I suppose you hate trolleys too ;)

I don't think that US prototype modellers like four-wheel waggons and
buffers on the end of their cars. But we must learn to compromise-LEGO®
train models are geared towards a European/UK appearance. I myself like
Euro-style trains, big, 8W American equipment to me seems to overpower small
layouts like mine. I feel comfortable building and running two-axle waggons
in my trains, to each his own...-Harvey

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: what is the use of a caboose?
(...) You don't love cabooses? How weird. I suppose you hate trolleys too ;) Chris (24 years ago, 25-Jul-01, to lugnet.trains)

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