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 Robotics / 24114
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Re: An Idea for new Mindstorm
Fri, 24 Jun 2005 19:13:46 GMT
1656 times
The concept of making the number of attachable devices expandable (by
having some kind of serial bus) would be an amazing step forward for
the RCX - and then selling expansion kits with furthar expansion
boards, motors and sensors would be superb. This could also mean that
you could buy an IR board, or an RF board for connection with
programming towers.

Multiple programming bricks working together is very interesting idea, but it is
not what was suggested. Actually, this step will limit users even more than
current RCX does, because several programs need to be written and debugged, not
one. To be useful, these program will have to support some kind of bus and so

I'm professional programmer, so I think that abilities to create robot including
many small "RCX-es" would attract me (even more than current RCX, although I do
not own any now - I prefer to spend my money on System sets, because I program a
lot at my job). I'm talking about people who are not programmers. They need
ready to use programs as first step.

This step will increase complexity. It is not good. I think, that complexity
must be decreased, so more people will find LEGO robotics interesting. If ready
program are available and its use will not require connect to computer, than
much more people will try to these kits.

I do not know, how this modularity can be implemented without all this extra
programming. But if it is possible with some ingenious design, it will just
fantastic addition, I agree completely here.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: An Idea for new Mindstorm
(...) The concept of making the number of attachable devices expandable (by having some kind of serial bus) would be an amazing step forward for the RCX - and then selling expansion kits with furthar expansion boards, motors and sensors would be (...) (20 years ago, 24-Jun-05, to lugnet.robotics)

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