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 Off-Topic / Debate / 6993
6992  |  6994
Re: Can Harry Browne do it?
Tue, 7 Nov 2000 14:02:01 GMT
585 times
In, Scott Arthur writes:
In, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
In, James Powell writes:

I'm of the oppnion that you need a scorecard to tell just where the 2 of • them
stand as regards a issue...and it had better be a white board, because it
keeps changing...

But you only need one score card since they have all the same opinions.  They
both say things like "unlike my oponent, I want better schools through a • system
of increased accountability."  It's actually a riot to listen to what phonies
they both are.

One should remember that while policies may be the same, the manner in which
those policies are reached may be different.

That _could_ be the case, but in this real case, it isn't.  The differences
between their policies are miniscule.

Additionally, one should consider who each would react in unpredicted

I think that your use of who is a fortuitous typo.  I'm pretty sure you meant
how.  The reality is that if either of the average-intelligence, lying, frat
boys, with mostly the same political agenda have to decide things and react,
they'll do it in ways that I consider much the same in value.  First, they are
most likely to retreat to their handlers so that someone with a clue can make a
policy decision.  And if not, then Gore is likely to freeze and do nothing
(bad), and Bush -- as more of a cowboy -- is likely to shoot wildly from the
hip, almost certainly missing (which is potentially worse, but more amusing).

Should I assume, Scott, that you'd prefer Gore be the US president?  I think
that's the complete opinion that the US media is giving about the rest of the
'western' world.  (Presumably because he wears the badge of the socialist, even
if it's just a ruse..?)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Can Harry Browne do it?
(...) I suppose you could. I also suppose you'd be correct to do so. Right now, this is because the US is going to look silly if the other guy does get it. However, I think staying Democrat will be better for America – even though Gore is a little (...) (24 years ago, 7-Nov-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Can Harry Browne do it?
(...) One should remember that while policies may be the same, the manner in which those policies are reached may be different. Additionally, one should consider who each would react in unpredicted situations. Scott A (24 years ago, 7-Nov-00, to

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