Re: Outrageous Iraqi Geneva Convention Violation
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 19:46:39 GMT
657 times
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In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> Hence while I agree with John's sentiments (those who constantly point out
> our faults as a way to say we are all wrong, instead of as something that
> needs to be corrected, are no friends...) I disagree with his assessment in
> this instance. Our case in the international court of world opinion is
> greatly weakened by Guantanamo Bay, and there is not much that can be done
> about it now.
I am not saying we are all wrong -- we certainly do a lot of pointless,
stupid, shallow things though. Pointing out those flaws is in my view being
a good american because my point is the improvement of our circumstances. I
have lost all hope though, hence the tendency to merely rant.
Reasonableness is all many of us are after though.
-- Hop-Frog
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Outrageous Iraqi Geneva Convention Violation
| (...) Okay, I'll work with that. You say that pointing out our flaws is part of being a good American. I think we can agree here; I would say that being a good American in part means being vigilant about protecting the ideals of our Constitution. My (...) (22 years ago, 25-Mar-03, to
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