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Re: Scan of current S@H catalog
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 13:11:39 GMT
595 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:

Quoting from the note from

"Catalogs are included in the list of items that are not allowed for
sale on eBay."

I looked in a number of places and did not see this ban but I may have
missed it.


Here's a thought:  Why not just list one of the items in question?  Make the
opening bid the actual cost of the item that you would pay, and plaster all
over the description how it is NOT rare, is currently available through S@H
(and would, in fact, be cheaper, since anyone buying it from you would have to
pay your shipping charges).

That oughta do it.  They (probably) can't stop you from listing an actual item,
while encouraging people not to bid on it.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Scan of current S@H catalog
(...) item, (...) I was going to start one a little bit similar - though with a higher starting bid. I was going to do an auction for the McDonalds Lego set with a starting bid of $25. The write-up was going to explain how when someone won the (...) (25 years ago, 21-Oct-99, to,
  Re: Scan of current S@H catalog
(...) Probably in fact can stop you. The TOS is rather clearer on listings that are not really intended to be actually won. If the listing comes out and says you should not buy X because you can get it for less, that's bid siphoning. The closest you (...) (25 years ago, 22-Oct-99, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Scan of current S@H catalog
Ended. Quoting from the note from "Catalogs are included in the list of items that are not allowed for sale on eBay." I looked in a number of places and did not see this ban but I may have missed it. <sigh> Thanks all for the help (...) (25 years ago, 21-Oct-99, to,

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