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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 2328
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Re: What Kids really want. Not Juniorization.
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 09:06:27 GMT
2590 times
"A. Mark Wilburn" wrote:
ok, back
to the UCS X-Wing. The random colours inserted in there don't serve any
purpose except (and here's where the bags come in) make it more difficult to
find pieces. If they HAD mini-bagged the UCS set (one that they SHOULD have
bagged, if they were going to include so many hidden colours) it would've
greatly shortened building time. What I meant was, I would've preferred that
they had removed the random colours from the UCS to lessen the time needed
for searching. And while I generally just dump everything out of the
minibags for smaller sets, for the UCS that would've helped too.

I really can't understand why you (not only you but other people who
also said that) are so upset with current (I mean old) way of packaging.
If you just open the bags to make piles of each individual bag, instead
of a big common pile, I think you can find whatever pieces you want
during the process of building easily, at least after the first 5-10
minutes of the process. I built my UCS X-wing in a hotel room, on the
bed, and I didn't have any problems with finding proper pieces. In a
home, sitting on the carpet, it could be even easier.

Random color "insertion" parts the thing I don't like much, too, but not
for the adverse effects on building time (I don't think this exists) but
since I prefer having variety of parts of same color instead variety of
colors of same part.

But anyway, any producer company must optimize their manufacturing and
storage capacity to maximize income, and this is *really* not bad. And I
actually don't care much if the random colored parts are not visible
form the outside, like 5571 Big Rig (I always use the same tactic since
I don't have too much of a collection). Otherwise, it's complete evil to
my eyes (i.e.. Millennium Falcon)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: What Kids really want. Not Juniorization.
(...) Guess I'm weird that way; I'm almost insulted when I get a Town Junior set that's pre-seperated for me (but oh well, not like I can't just dump it all out) yet when I get a larger set I'd like some sort of sorting. Yes, you're right, if I had (...) (24 years ago, 30-Mar-01, to, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What Kids really want. Not Juniorization.
(...) Ok, obviously I confused you (and Doug, and Mike). No, I don't hate the bags at all; I've heard comments to the effect of some people really don't like them (I can't remember who said this, but I've seen many posts that say something to the (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to, lugnet.general)

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