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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 2133
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Re: What Kids really want. Not Juniorization.
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Sun, 11 Mar 2001 22:41:28 GMT
2259 times
A "better" idea, but I don't think it would work.

In, Mark Koeberl writes:
Most of the people that know
the difference ask if we have any good Lego sets like the Mega Blocks sets.
Yesterday I overheard a Woman comment to a friend: "The quality of Lego sets
has gone way down.  Half of it isn't even made with pieces anymore."  She
bought the red helecopter Mega Blocks set.

Since this post, I feel that we are wasting our time.

If that is the case then TLC is ignoring the core market of kids that they
claim to be a company for.  TLC needs to stop marketing to kids in general and
start marketing to kids that like construction toys.  I firmly belive, after
withnessing what I have at my job, that is the major problem TLC suffers right
now.  My question is: How many years can TLC operate in the red before they
either get the message or cease to be?

-Mike Petrucelli

I would like to make a suggestion to TLC: modularity. I'll explain and ramble a

I occasionally buy a Mega Bloks set for special colors, unique pieces, and fun.
Mostly for fun. For $20US, you get a lot of fun assembling a large and challenging
set. Not a quality set in respect to material, but great in design and challenge.

I know TLC will never release a large set of 400-600 pieces for $20. It would be
wonderful if you released something on that order for $40, and I'm beginning to
think you can. Here is the modularity I'm thinking of.

For $20 we can pick up a 3033 tub just about anywhere. Good value, though it
doesn't offer a challenge like a model. Now lets say you come out with an accessory
set, 3033A. For demonstration purposes, 3033A contains special parts and
construction manual that allows us to build a large submarine employing a 3033 tub.
Let's also come out with a 3033B accessory set, which comes with a manual and
explains how to use 3033B with 3033 tub to make a large ship. 3033C would come with
a manual and specialty pieces that when combined with 3033 tub we could build a
tank. Are you seeing a pattern?

The 3033 tub may be a loss leader. However, if you could offer accessory packs that
allowed us to build Mega Blok type models, it could be a win-win strategy. The
accessory packs would not have to be a loss leader. It would allow for large,
challenging models at a competitive price. And given that the basic tub would not
have to be redesigned, new designs would require developing only accessory packs.

This was approached with the old Blacktron I series, where components of different
sets were interchangeable and could be combined with other sets of that series.
Accessory packs for the 3033 tub would not be that modular, but I like the idea of
having manuals that would allow us to use the tubs to make varied and challenging
models. And, it could be for models from 400 to 1200 plus pieces. IMO, boy would
that be cool. :)

But, if you don't, we will still have the Mega Bloks.....

Just a thought.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What Kids really want. Not Juniorization.
(...) I would like to make a suggestion to TLC: modularity. I'll explain and ramble a bit. I occasionally buy a Mega Bloks set for special colors, unique pieces, and fun. Mostly for fun. For $20US, you get a lot of fun assembling a large and (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to, lugnet.general)  

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