Re: Never posted to RTL...(Re: Virtual Flower Delivery Service
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 19:24:30 GMT
1444 times
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Larry Pieniazek wrote in message <>...
> Hi Timothy!!! ... and welcome to the spotlite.
> Why is it that nice newbies always delurk when we're having these family
> spats?
> Interesting that you said you've never posted to RTL but lurked for a
> good 1/2 year. Any theories why? Glad LUGNET was here for you, that's
> for sure.
Theories? I guess I would have to say that I like to get a good sense of
the group dynamics before diving in. Too many times, I have seen people
jump right into a newsgroup without any sense of what is going on. Not only
do they get flammed, but it tends to disrupt the flow of the group (i.e the
"marilou" episode on RTL).
As far as not posting to RTL, the signal to noise ratio is just too out of
whack for me. I really appreciate LUGNet because of the high quality of its
content. Hopefully, I will be able to add to it. Glad to be on board.
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