Re: Never posted to RTL...(Re: Virtual Flower Delivery Service
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 12:53:33 GMT
1518 times
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Jasper Janssen writes:
> On Thu, 18 Feb 1999 03:09:46 GMT, Larry Pieniazek <>
> wrote:
> > Why is it that nice newbies always delurk when we're having these family
> > spats?
> Because they invariably produce a sense of camaraderie, us all against
> the "spammer"? Or possibly because flame-fests (mild as they are here)
> are the most interestig conversations we have? *grins very evilly*
> Jasper
Or just because those 'mild' flame-fests are the only conversations that one
can see while checking for new posts in .general...
I mean: one little posting-response to the original flower-addvertisement-post
has created a discusion, that lasts for almost a week.
Reading .general boils down to reading about wether or not one should follow
url's before one reacts to them...
"and they say creativity is dead"
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