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Re: Just been spammed by Paul Koelewijn
Thu, 17 Feb 2000 09:59:23 GMT
909 times
Sproaticus skrev i meddelandet <>...
Hey all,

I've just been spammed by one Paul Koelewijn, concerning his Lego auctions.
Although he claims that it isn't a spam message, it is an unsolicited
commercial e-mail.  Ergo, spam.

Has anyone else received this as well?

Well, looking at all the e-mail addresses he supplied so unprofessionally, I
would say most of the lugnet users have received it (OK, not *most*, but at
least 300).

Perhaps he *is* mostly a nice fan, collecting links to other sites, but it
sure made me irritated.

Anders Isaksson, Sweden

Message is in Reply To:
  Just been spammed by Paul Koelewijn
Hey all, I've just been spammed by one Paul Koelewijn, concerning his Lego auctions. Although he claims that it isn't a spam message, it is an unsolicited commercial e-mail. Ergo, spam. Has anyone else received this as well? Cheers, - jsproat (25 years ago, 17-Feb-00, to lugnet.general)

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