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Re: $300 on Lego in the last 3 days???
Tue, 27 Jun 2000 04:33:15 GMT
325 times
In lugnet.people, Marc Cook writes:
Have I gone mad?  300 dollars later I picked up the Star Wars Falcon, Ultimate
Collector X-Wing, B-Wing set, and 50 additional bucks for more storage bins.
Temporary obsession perhaps but I'm not sure this addiction to Lego
accumulation will stop.  I mean the real reason I bought those sets is for the
parts.   Creating new lego models is my goal I guess.   Do I need help?
Besides the money it's time I've lost.  Hours and hours building, buying,
surfing, creating web sites and then photographing models.  Then someone • showed
me Lugnet...  Not one second of this activity will return itself with income.

(Todd Lehman stands up)

Class, please welcome our new student!

(Several dozens of voices in unison)

Hi Mark

-Tom McD.
when replying, (over the loudspeaker) note that our hot lunch today will be
Spamcake Sloppy Joes with Tater Tots & ketchup, and lime Jell-O cube. That is

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  $300 on Lego in the last 3 days???
Have I gone mad? 300 dollars later I picked up the Star Wars Falcon, Ultimate Collector X-Wing, B-Wing set, and 50 additional bucks for more storage bins. Temporary obsession perhaps but I'm not sure this addiction to Lego accumulation will stop. I (...) (25 years ago, 26-Jun-00, to lugnet.people)  

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