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I'm gonna create some trailers.....
Tue, 27 Jun 2000 19:53:25 GMT
1103 times
I'm not doing the actual MOVIES but I'm doing their trailers. These will be
availiable on the net and will be about 1 minute long. I am working on
building the sets for some right now, and will be creating them using the ne
Lego Camera. This is a short list and description of all I'm going to make...

Titanbric: one ship, two loves, 500 BURPS, nuff said. (1997, James Windross)

Speed Up!: Anne has just taken a cruise with her new boyfriend on Seaborn
Brick, but unfortunately, a disgruntled Timmy has decided to hijack this ship
and gets Anne sent into a spiral of action and adventure as she tries to
regain control of this crazy boat. Full Speed up. (1996, James Windross)

Speed Up: Air Bags!: After her cruise, Anne decides to take up a job in the
city. She dumps her boyfriend and now is single, but as she takes the bus to
downtown Legosen City, a SWAT team member boards. A bomb, it turns out, is
aboard and they must stay above 60 LUPH (Lego Units Per Hour) will Anne
survive and find a true love? Full Speed Up on the road. (1999, James Windross)

Blairs Lego Project: (1994)  Johns little sister, Blair, has lost some Lego in
the woods, unfortunately John ignores her cries and goes into the woods
focusing on his school project about wild life with two more friends. A year
later, their footage is found. It seems John and his friends found a house and
went to the 'Dark Side' of building bricks.......what happened? (1996, James

Legoseidon Adventure: A huge Lego ocean liner capsizes on New Years eve,
eleven survivors must make their way through twisted, upsidedown rooms to the
bow, where they will hopefully find escape! (1979, James Windross)

Airterminal: The side blows out of a Doeing 626,  and the passengers are
stranded in the air! Will this huge plane end up on the ground in one piece?
Or thousands of pieces? Find out! (1987, James Windross)

Fish Mouth: uh oh! Looks like the 400 pound great white shark (known
as 'fluffy') escaped from the zoo and is now terrorizing the beaches of
Millenium City! What will happen? (1977 James Windross)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: I'm gonna create some trailers.....
(...) One host, two chances, 500 multiple choice answers.. oops.. that's "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" .. sorry. (...) After throttling up to maximum, Timmy accidentally pulls a "Coyote" on himself and gets his ankle looped around the mooring (...) (25 years ago, 27-Jun-00, to

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