Re: Official model repository situation
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 14:29:40 GMT
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In, Tim Courtney writes:
> "Heather Patey" <> wrote in message
> > Just poking my nose in from the inventory group next door. ML-CAD can
> > generate a parts list from any DAT file, so the Repository could perhaps be
> > a great source for inventories. Could I suggest that anyone making official
> > models, include comments about parts that are changed or left out because
> > the proper parts aren't created yet, or other differences like printing?
> > There are a lot of sets not yet inventoried - Space is very bare indeed -
> > and if people are making accurate models, then an inventory wouldn't need
> > to be done separately. Probably links could be set up to include the
> > Repository in the collection of linked databases existing in and around
> > LUGNET, as well. What do you think?
> Hi Heather -
> Good idea! Yes, MLCad can put out an inventory (and I think LeoCAD can too).
> So, instead of looking up a set to inventory it, make a DAT file and then
> output it. The only issue would be almost all of them are going to be MPDs,
> or Multi-Part DAT files. This means you may have to output the inventory of a
> few submodels...unless MLCad can handle inventory of the whole contents of an
> MPD.
> Anyways... if this helps, more power to ya! :)
> -Tim
Sounds good to me! Inlining an MPD for this purpose is not a problem - I've
managed to convert inventories from all kinds of weird formats, and was
figuring on the conversion being done by hand anyway, to make sure comments
etc. were accounted far. Just having the list of pieces with quantity and
colours is an enormous head start.
Say... if I figured out a way to make a rudimentary DAT file from an inventory
- with the pieces just lined up in rows, for instance - would that be a help to
model makers, or would you rather just work from the main piece lists?
Cheers, Heather
Heather Patey
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Pirate Wench / Brick Detective
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 | | Re: Official model repository situation
| "Heather Patey" <> wrote in message (...) generate (...) Hi Heather - Good idea! Yes, MLCad can put out an inventory (and I think LeoCAD can too). So, instead of looking up a set to inventory it, make a (...) (24 years ago, 16-Feb-01, to
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