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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 1234
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Re: Official model repository situation
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 13:48:47 GMT
1079 times
In, Erik Olson writes:
Hey, I thought someone had used filenames that start with M for an official

Besides, it's annoying to get filenames that resemble part names...
m6040.dat is so obviously a model, not a part, that there won't be confusion
when it's saved on your hard drive and you're trying to organize recent

Erik, I'll be posting the OMR Standards tonight. I was going to last night,
but I had forgotten to add some things. This was my original idea, but we
are actually not going to be using a number format except for the .mpd file
which will be something like 7146-01.mpd  The first number being the set
number and the second being the year of production.

Anyway, there will be more on that tonight :)

Ryan Dennett

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Official model repository situation
Ryan: (...) Please use four-digit numbers for years. I know that we will not get in serious trouble for the first forty or so years, but... Play well, Jacob (24 years ago, 16-Feb-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Official model repository situation
Hey, I thought someone had used filenames that start with M for an official model? Besides, it's annoying to get filenames that resemble part names... m6040.dat is so obviously a model, not a part, that there won't be confusion when it's saved on (...) (24 years ago, 16-Feb-01, to

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