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Re: Lego vs. Pokemon
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 19:28:18 GMT
1190 times
But Pokémon is *so* fun! I got the Red version this cristmas, and I can´t
stop playing! I´m hooked!

Kya Morden wrote:
I dunno, I put Pokemon in almost the same boat as Sanrio/Hello Kitty,
which is still around.

Hmm... Hello Kitty? Well, I guess it´s bigger in Japan than here in Sweden,
I´ve never seen any Kitty stuff here.

Plus Nintendo is milking the snot out of
Pokemon.  In Japan there is already released two Pokemon games for the
N64 called Pokemon Stadium (1 & 2) which the latter of the two will be
coming out here in a few months.  Plus in a couple weeks they plan to
release Pokemon Silver/Gold, which is the sequel to the original
Red/Blue versions. Silver/Gold also has even MORE Pokemon for kids to
drool over.

*More*? Hopefully not more than 200, it would be too much then...


I think it'll be around with us for a long time, in fact,
Pikachu seems to be replacing Mario as Nintendos mascot and given the
life of Mario, that means we could be seeing Pikachu well into the


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Lego vs. Pokemon
(...) I got me an emulator and downloaded it. Big mistake. (...) I've seen the stuff exactly once, in Britain a long long time ago. (...) Something like 270. That Togepi thingy is in there as well. Apparently once it gets some levels it's actually (...) (25 years ago, 29-Dec-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego vs. Pokemon
(...) I dunno, I put Pokemon in almost the same boat as Sanrio/Hello Kitty, which is still around. Plus Nintendo is milking the snot out of Pokemon. In Japan there is already released two Pokemon games for the N64 called Pokemon Stadium (1 & 2) (...) (25 years ago, 10-Nov-99, to

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