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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 3845
3844  |  3846
Re: lube....
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 22:48:31 GMT
733 times
"Calum Tsang" <> wrote in message

In, Chris Magno writes:

Should we allow some kind of lubrication for future events?
Don't ask me what kind.  or how,  just an idea.....

No.  Unmodified.  Next thing you'll ask is to use glue.

Uh, wow, what an excellent, group-active debate *that* was.

In all seriousness, when was the last time *you* built something so large,
complex, and mechanically elaborate that created dust? Trains have their own
bearings that rely on point-friction technology. Technic doesn't have that
advantage. If your Metroliner started to short the tracks, would you use a
non-LEGO track-cleaning eraser to clean the rails?

I destroyed about 8 parts total at rtl8, several of which I could have
spared and re-used with a drop of lubrication. I've mutilated an entire
turntable because of not lubricating it. All of my turntables are lubricated
now. As someone who tries to be careful with his money, and his investment
in LEGO, I insist that *PREVENTATIVE CARE* must be permitted.

Had Chris been allowed to use lubrication on his robot at rtl10 last
weekend, perhaps the 20 or so components he managed to shave half a
millimetre off of could have been spared. I am sure that as others begin to
take appart their high-performance robots that were shown last weekend, they
too will find components that have worn due to lack of lubrication.

Why should one person be allowed to decide how much LEGO we destroy at the
next competition? If you enforce this blatantly without any discussion, I'm
going to be very, very cross.


(Sorry to be so bitter, but this really, really rubbed me the wrong way. NO
YOU MAY NOT LUBRICATE ME NOW. Unless your name is... well, we aren't going
there, now are we!)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: lube....
(...) Four days ago at rtl10, thank you. Our entry was covered in plastic dust. (...) The difference is that while one may call it preventative care, others may call it competitive advantage. I do not wish to get into what lubrications are allowed (...) (23 years ago, 1-Mar-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: lube....
(...) No. Unmodified. Next thing you'll ask is to use glue. Calum Pretend, Chris, there IS NO PLAN B. (23 years ago, 28-Feb-02, to

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