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Re: use of anagram fun is bad in lugnet.general
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 18:45:41 GMT
892 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
As such, community members ought to be able to help
each other out in conforming to the norms without it generating a huge
backlash against "policing".

Oooh, my second posting to a Larry post (too bad it has to be about this
issue :( for I appreciate Larry, and Tim and everyone I've had dialogues
with and or/read on LUGNet...

In, Tim Courtney writes:
Community policing is a good thing, I strongly believe this

Both are saying the same thing and I couldn't agree more.  The idea that the
community takes care of itself is awesome, which is what we did, in our own
little NG, "Hey buddy, that might have been a wee bit of a faux pas..."  The
community took care of the issue.

It wasn't until this hit some general group that things got nasty and the
big "C" Community Police stepped in.  To us, the issue was over but now the
proverbial sheep hit the fan...

"Hey your fly's down"
"Thanks!"  --zip--
"Hey, did you know your fly was down?"
"Yep, fixed, thanks"
"Hey pal, your fly was down a moment ago!"
"Yeah, I know, and I fixed it"
"You offended me with your fly being down earlier!!"
"Well, it's not down now--it's fixed"
"I'm morally outraged that at one time in the past you had your fly down!!!!"
"Yeah well, whatever"
"Look everyone!! Here's that guy who had his fly down in the far distant
past!!  We should admonish him!!!!"
"That's it!"

Follow the issue thru to the end people.  Don't jump on some moralistic kick
because for that minute you were outraged.  See what was already done about
the situation, and you will notice that, in most, if not all, cases, it was
already taken care of and your little soap box, 2 cents, 15 minutes of
yapping isn't going to help.  As well, letting more people in on it really
doesn't help the situation in the slightest.

2 examples, one from my life--

I once pointed out to a classmate, while we were away from others in the
hallway, "I think there's a run in your stocking"  This was whispered to
her, no one else overheard, and she was a good friend of mine, so I thought
I'd do her a favour of letting her know about it (I wasn't the smooth guy I
am now).  She spins around, and yells, "How Gaugh telling me there's a run in
my stocking!" and storms off down the hall.  What good did that do?  Maybe I
shouldn't have mentioned it in the first place, but it was just between me
and her.  You know how school works--now *everyone* knows.

The second example is one we all know about--when an album comes out that
people find offensive and everyone gets on the bandwagon about how bad it
is--You really think that all that free publicity you're giving the album is
going to adversely affect its sales??  The record company loves you to do
that--it's publicity and it's *free*.

So again, for the sake of sanity and thought, *think* before you write a
response.  Be *pro*active with your words and deeds, not *re*active.


Pretend that I'm not obsessed with zippers.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: use of anagram fun is bad in lugnet.general
(...) I don't wish to add any fuel to this mixture, but do want to make a point that might help present another point of view. I read LUGNET through the web interface almost 100% of the time. I have no filtering enabled, so I see every newsgroup. I (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jan-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: use of anagram fun is bad in lugnet.general
In, Calum Tsang writes: <snip> (...) But the problem is that she shouldn't HAVE to say so each and every time. LUGNET is a community. As such, community members ought to be able to help each other out in conforming to the (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jan-02, to

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