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 Off-Topic / Geek / 3736
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Re: Elements of a brick oriented RPG
Tue, 28 May 2002 18:56:49 GMT
51 times
In, Frank Filz writes:
Geek warning: the following description is starting to get pretty geeky.
I've set follow-ups to, see you there if you want
to continue discussion...

Um, it seems that you didn't.  But I have included them and set FUT there.

First, for those who want to go into more depth of the math, you could
start with this web site:

Cool.  It was good to review and verify that their formulae match those used by
MS Excel which is what I've been playing with to try to engineer this system.

The normal distribution is good for working with random numbers which
are centered on 0. Of course, a standard deviation of +-1 is a little
harsh for gaming, so it is best to scale the distribution. The system I
was using scaled so approximately +-7 was one standard deviation (I
think it may be +-6.666666... but I'm not sure).

Ah...there's the key.  Like you say, the curve is way too steep at +/-1.  I
think your numbers must have been generated with ~6.6667 as the standard
deviation.  However I do find an error in the numbers...+9 should be .911
instead of .912 -- according to Excel, anyway.

Also, the
way the table is created, it is possible to scale it to suit your needs,
though from play experience I would suggest the above chart is close to

Well, I'd think that this would depend on the scale of the game.  If your
stat/skills were on a base 100 scale, then you might want to use a stdev more
like 12.

Thanks for the details.  I get it completely now.  Neat mechanic.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Elements of a brick oriented RPG
(...) Crud, you managed to respond to the one I realized was wrong and canceled... (...) There's quite possibly some slight errors. I remember the guy claimed you needed high precision computation to generate the table, it's possible he was using a (...) (23 years ago, 29-May-02, to

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