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Re: Elements of a brick oriented RPG
Tue, 28 May 2002 10:29:40 GMT
4371 times
In, Frank Filz writes:

The most interesting thing about the system was
how it managed to use a true normal distribution without much pain at
all. Basically, instead of trying to roll an effect number with the
dice, you generated a random number between 0 and 1 (exclusive) by
generating the digits. A simple chart then converted the fraction to a
positive or negative adjustment which was added to a skill and then
compared to the defensive skill or a fixed number. Anyone who could
remember numbers at all could easily remember the first one or two
standard deviations (the adjustments were about 3 [or is it 6] steps per
standard deviation). I still carry the chart in my wallet, and I could
actually run a game of this without having anything else if pressed
(though I would have to quickly reconstruct some charts from memory).
The way the chart works, you basically need two digits beyond a leading
string of 0s or 9s. You don't tend to need to know the bottom half of
the chart much because usually those are misses (and I firmly believe in
don't waste time trying to determine if you missed by 3 or 5 points).

Frank, can you explain this in more detail?  I've been trying to reconcile the
bits that you mention into a roll-resolution system and I'm not getting it.

When you talk about generating digits, I'm thinking that you're rolling d10s as
you would percentiles (except any number, not just two) or something.  But
then, there's no standard deviation on a flat roll.  So I guess you're just
comparing to some standard standard deviation numbers...thus the chart to which
you refer.

But that's not sounding right.  And what is your reference to "steps" per
standard deviation?



Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Elements of a brick oriented RPG
Geek warning: the following description is starting to get pretty geeky. I've set follow-ups to, see you there if you want to continue discussion... (...) Ok, First, for those who want to go into more depth of the math, you (...) (23 years ago, 28-May-02, to lugnet.gaming,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Elements of a brick oriented RPG
(...) When I ran a long term RQ campaign, what I did which eliminated the "ok, now I pull out my niblick and try and hit him with that" was to hand out a limited number of experience rolls. The I hit, he parries thing is a real problem though. (...) (...) (23 years ago, 17-May-02, to lugnet.gaming)

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