Re: Girlfriends Guardians!!!
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 20:35:59 GMT
196 times
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In, Rick Hallman writes:
> Hello.
> As some of you may or may not know, I am in a relationship where my
> girlfriend's guardians do not like me much, they have false accusations
> against me, and even filed a police report against me because they do not
> like me, the police report was proven entirely false as well, considering it
> involved driving, and I am still not legal age to drive. My question is,
> does anybody have advice that might "break the ice" between me and her
> guardians. I wish to be able to be with my girlfriend more then just at
> Youth Group and our friends parties, but with her guardians not liking me,
> and not even knowing I do have a relationship with my girlfriend... (Her
> guardian would pull her immediatly out of the activities where we see each
> other). I need advice!
> Thanks in advance.
> Rick "Is feeling lonely because not being with his GF alot..." Hallman
My advice to you would be to "tread lightly." If you have a serious
relationship that could last long-term, then with some patience and discretion
you should be able to last until you are both 18 and she is free to chose whom
to see. Trying to circumvent parents/guardians can spell big trouble. I once
had a close friend who, at 17, had consentual sex with his 15-year-old
girlfriend. Her parents didn't like him, and so filed statutory rape charges
(while he should have known better, I know that he didn't in fact rape her.)
The last I heard (the last time he wrote to me back in '93), he was a young-
looking, skinny 18-year-old doing hard time in a state prison.
Better safe than sorry -- especially as an older male dating a younger female.
just my $.02--don't mean to butt in.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Girlfriends Guardians!!!
| (...) I was thinking of posting about being leery of age of consent issues myself, but you have hit it on the head, James... The age of consent in Michigan is 16. Unless you're both 16 or older you are in a world of trouble if they want to *make* (...) (23 years ago, 1-Nov-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Girlfriends Guardians!!!
| Hello. As some of you may or may not know, I am in a relationship where my girlfriend's guardians do not like me much, they have false accusations against me, and even filed a police report against me because they do not like me, the police report (...) (23 years ago, 1-Nov-01, to
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