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 Off-Topic / Debate / 14100
14099  |  14101
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 11:06:49 GMT
300 times
You DID see my humility score, right? The US IS the
best country in the world, but not to worry, the UK is right up there in the
top ten if not actually second.

I was not aware that there was a competition for the "best country in the
world". If I were to choose, I doubt it would be the UK or the USA. I'd
probably choose some small state which did not bully anyone, support human
rights abuses - but did provide a good level of social provision.

That was countries. When we look at great cultures, it is clear that
Scotland is top… in my opinion.

As for your humility, yes I did see Dave's message. I even replied to it. I
even referred to it in a message to you on this forum. But Dave is not the
only one who has described your attributes. I remember these words well:

"You know what I love about you Larry, you always have this "I art holier
than thou" attitude towards everyone else.  That attitude "annoys" far more
people than I could ever dream of."

Scott A

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: "humility"
(...) Iceland, if it weren't for the inability to avoid tobacco smoke, would be very near the top of my list. As I understand it, modern Iceland is a derivative of the only real-world example of Privately Produced Law. The have almost no crime. And (...) (23 years ago, 19-Oct-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: "Centuries old piece of paper" still pretty darn good
Snipped everything I agree with, and the comments on the remaining should be viewed somewhat lightheartedly... (...) Well of course you do. You DID see my humility score, right? The US IS the best country in the world, but not to worry, the UK is (...) (23 years ago, 12-Oct-01, to

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