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Re: Bulk Sales Proposal - Please Read
Tue, 2 Nov 1999 20:38:06 GMT
29 times
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 23:16:51 GMT, Peter Callaway uttered the following
I really don't think a bucket is the best choice for this.  I'd suggest
picking something like the x-wing, or the Mos Espa set, or one of the model
team sets.  They're virtually guarranteed to have a parts selection more
people are interested in.  Of course, they've all got a much higher base cost.

The SW sets would be great as they have the better colours (greys, browns,
etc). Although what will you do with 500 Darth Maul's or Luke's?!?!?

I'm personally after lt. and dk. grey plates and bricks and slopes, so the red
bucket doesn't really appeal to me. I'm ordering up from S@H through my
brother in the US, but you still can't get #@$%!*& grey plates!!! The Sith
Infiltrator looks the best bet for this. Can someone do a parts count on this
set? I'd be interested in bidding for some pieces from it.

Pete Callaway

Subject: 7151 - Sith Infiltrator
From: "John Cromer" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 17:33:56 GMT
Newsgroups: lugnet.db.inv

7151 - Sith Infiltrator

Box Count:  243
Distinct elements:  78
Total Count:  245 (extra 1x1 blue tile with top clip, minifig head+torso
                   counted as two pieces)

     2  black           antenna, 4H
     8  blue            technic beam, 1x2
     6  blue            brick, 1x1, cylindrical
     6  red             brick, 1x1, recessed side stud
     4  black           brick, 1x1x1.3H w/ rounded top edge and 1x1 side plate
     2  black           brick, 1x2
     4  black           brick, 1x2x0.6H, studs on sides, (4595)
     8  dark gray       brick, 1x3
     2  gray            brick, 1x4
     2  dark gray       brick, 1x6
     4  blue            brick, 2x2
     2  red             brick, 2x2, cylindrical
     3  blue            brick, 2x2, side peg
     5  dark gray       brick, 2x3, skew (6564)
     5  dark gray       brick, 2x3, skew (6565)
     4  gray            brick, 2x4
     2  red             brick, 2x4
     4  gray            brick, 2x4, end pegs
     3  gray            brick, 2x6
     2  black           brick, 2x8
     1  dark gray       canopy, 4x6x5H, decorated, (30366)
     3  black gray      control stick, 1x1x2H, black base, gray stick
     4  blue            grill tile, 1x2
     1  dark gray       hatch plate, 6x6x0.6, (30303), [1]
     8  dark gray       hinge, 1x2 brick, 1 end click-stop finger, (30364)
     8  gray            hinge, 1x2 brick, 2 end click-stop fingers, (30365)
     2  black           hinge, 1x2 tilt-bearing bottom, (3937)
     1  red             hinge, 1x4 plate w/ top side fingers
     2  red             hinge, 2x2 tilt-bearing top, (6134)
     1  dark gray       hinge, 4x4 plate w/ side slots, (4213)
     2  black           laser cannon piece, (30359)
     1  trans red       minifig accessory, 2L lightsaber handle
     2  trans red       minifig accessory, 4L lightsaber blade
     1  black           minifig cape, 2-hole foldover
     1  black red       minifig head, Darth Maul
     3  black           minifig head, blank
     1  black           minifig headgear, Darth Maul cowl
     1  black           minifig legs, black studs
     1  black           minifig torso, Darth Maul, layered, wrap, black hands
     1  blue            plate, 1x1, horizontal side clip
     2  blue            plate, 1x10
     4  blue            plate, 1x2
     1  black           plate, 1x2, horizontal end pipes
     1  blue            plate, 1x2, horizontal side handle
     1  gray            plate, 1x4
     3  gray            plate, 1x6
     1  gray            plate, 2x12
    11  gray            plate, 2x2
     1  brown           plate, 2x3
     1  dark gray       plate, 2x3
     3  dark gray       plate, 2x6
     6  dark gray       plate, 3x3 without 1 corner
     9  gray            plate, 4x6
     2  gray            plate, 6x6
     6  gray            plate, 6x6 without 1 corner
     3  gray            plate, 6x8
     2  gray            slope, 1x2, medium half-pyramid apex
    12  dark gray       slope, 1x2-2x2, inverse medium
     1  dark gray       slope, 1x2-3x2, inverse low
     2  dark gray       slope, 2x2-1x1, corner
     4  gray            slope, 2x2-1x2, medium
     2  dark gray       slope, 2x3-2x1, low
     5  dark gray       slope, 2x4-1x4, medium
     1  gray            slope, 2x4-1x4, medium, black and dark gray decor.
     3  gray            slope, 2x4-2x1, extreme low
     2  gray            slope, quad, (4x4-6x6)x2H, (30373), [2]
     1  dark gray       space control panel, (2342)
     1  dark gray       space handle bars, (30031)
     1  tan             space seat, (4598)
     7  black           space stand, 2x2x2H, (3940)
     3  blue            tile, 1x1, top clip
     1  tan             tile, 1x1, top clip
    12  blue            tile, 1x4
     2  red             tile, 1x4
     1  gray            tile, 2x2, round, dark gray edge, 3 black stripes
     2  black           town loudhailer/megaphone, (4349)
     1  gray            wing plate, 4x4, R, (3935)
     1  gray            wing plate, 4x4, L, (3936)

instructions, 4129020 c 1999


[1] 2x4 plate on 2x6 plate w/ embedded convex saucer and opposite
    1x2 extensions in a 6x6 envelope
[2] 4x4 brick w/ 5 center peg holes and 2x2x2 inverse slope at
    each corner
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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Bulk Sales Proposal - Please Read
(...) The SW sets would be great as they have the better colours (greys, browns, etc). Although what will you do with 500 Darth Maul's or Luke's?!?!? I'm personally after lt. and dk. grey plates and bricks and slopes, so the red bucket doesn't (...) (25 years ago, 27-Oct-99, to lugnet.general,

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